Just a short promotional for a good cause

Tee shirt fund raiser here at Progressive Christian Ministries of Atlanta; faith-based Tee shirts, quantity discounts, tax deductible! All proceeds are for ISBN numbers and marketing expenses for 2 more books; plus, a replacement digital piano and desktop PC; $12.95, 2 for $20.95, etc. http://www.pcmatl.org/#!tee-shirt-fund-raiser/c1sda 21 styles altogether, men’s or ladies, most sizes available except […]

Can you help me become productive again? Not asking for much.

I have a combined 5,000 friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linked In. If I could get just 320 of them to please donate $10.00 or more apiece, I could reach my musical goal in just one day! Could you please help me record my albums? Thanks! http://www.gofundme.com/c49h8365g